“The move by governments around the world to employ #blockchain to improve cross-border trade marks a step toward #paperless customs processes, which originally began with the #digitization of #informationflows by making trade-related data and documents available and exchangeable electronically. For all the improvements they’ve brought to paper-heavy processes, traditional electronic data exchange systems still face the challenges of #authenticity and the unavailability of real-time data exchange.”
This will be extensively covered at the upcoming 19th Edition Global Trade Development Week through one of the concurrent conferences on “GTDW Technology for Trade Facilitation and Compliance Conference” + "GTDW Anti Illicit Trade & Brand Protection Conference" - This is combined with the leading international exhibition of Tradetech for international trade, secure supply chain, compliance & anti illicit trade technologies.
For more information visit www.kwglobaltrade.com
GTDW China is a free to attend capacity building event for Customs & Tax Authorities, Ministries of Trade/Economy/Finance, IP, Police & Judiciary Authorities, Heads of Brand Protection, Heads of Trade & Customs Compliance (Limited Places)
To register please email globaltrade@kwconfex.com
#gtdwchina #paperlesstrade #customs #crossbordertrade #globaltrade #tradefacilitation #AEO #MRA #supplychainsecurity #china #trade #internationaltrade #capacitybuilding #illicittrade
