Presented with our partners at Site Selection Magazine and Conway Inc This is an Asia focused webinar on high value FDI, trade & investment strategies for economic recovery - May 21, Singapore / Shanghai Time Zone (Limited Places)!!
WHO PARTICIPATES: Corporate's & Multinationals, Government Trade & Investment Agencies, Investment Promotion Agencies, Regional Development Agencies, Free Trade Zones, Industrial Parks & Developers, Site Selection Advisory & Consultants
CORPORATE SITE SELECTION ASIA - What are Multinationals & Corporate's Looking For Right Now? What sectors are hot and where?
LEAD GENERATION & MARKET ACCESS - Targeted Approach To Lead Generation & Analytics + How Can You Have Boots On The Ground?
VIRTUAL $$: Site Tours, Webinars – What can be done NOW to generate investment potential
MARKETING & PR – Best in Class Innovation
TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT – Preparing Teams For Economic Recovery
LONG TERM GROWTH - Client Specific Workforce Development Programs & Initiatives To Create High Value Growth
COUNTRIES PARTICIPATING: China | Malaysia | Singapore | India | Australia | New Zealand | Indonesia | Brunei | Thailand | Vietnam | Cambodia | Laos | Myanmar | Philippines | Taiwan | Japan | Sri-Lanka | Bangladesh | Pakistan | Bhutan | Nepal | Mongolia | S. Korea | Hong Kong | USA
Date: May 21st 2020 Time Zone: 9am Hanoi / Bangkok | 10am China / Malaysia / Singapore | 11am Sydney Language: English
REGISTER: ENQUIRIES: ABOUT CONWAY INC | Leaders In Foreign Direct Investment: Founded in 1954, Conway is the world’s largest full-service firm in the economic development-investment promotion industry. We’re a service and solutions company, facilitating new investment in your region, creating new jobs for your citizens, and helping with the economic growth that serves as the lifeblood of your community.
Conway has helped thousands of economic development agencies all over the world, representing cities, counties, states, and countries, to grow their economies, attract corporate investment, and compete for jobs.
Conway has a team of more than 100 leading FDI experts, representing 30 cities around the world, with main office locations in Atlanta, Berlin, Shanghai, New York, and Boston.
ABOUT KW GROUP | KW Group have a 10 year track record in market access, trade & investment across the Asia Pacific region from our HQ in Malaysia at the heart of Asia. We understand that to establish in the region you need a long term vision and commitment of the highest quality combined with local networks.
#fdi #economicdevelopment #econdev #asia #trade #tradedevelopment #investment #globaltrade #siteselection #virtual #economy #strategy #IPA #EDO #investmentpromotion
#china #indonesia #thailand #vietnam #cambodia #malaysia #singapore #australia #newzealand #brunei #philippines #myanmar #taiwan #southkorea #korea #freezones #freetradezones #srilanka #india #bangladesh #pakistan