The GTDW China 2019 Tour Program was Sold Out! This year''s tour included:
Shanghai Customs College (The Educational arm of The General Administration of Customs, China)
Shanghai Wai Gaoqiao Free Trade Zone Development Co., Ltd. (Operator of Shanghai Free Trade Zone).
The Site Tour was a fantastic conclusion to the GTDW China program supported by our Co-Host APMEN to arrange the tours we visited two of Shanghai's leading organisations for International Trade and many new friendships and connections were made!
Senior participants included NIGERIA EXPORT PROCESSING ZONES AUTHORITY - NEPZA Saudi Customs World Economic Forum World Customs Organization INCU Secretariat Allexis Group CHANEL Longchamp NUCTECH COMPANY LIMITED INTERPOL Philip Morris International Asia-Pacific Model E-Port Network Operational Center Shanghai Customs College
Register Today For GTDW China 2020 Site Tours - 20 Limited Seats Remain: or visit: and Quote: "Site Tours"