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Ranked: The Most Valuable Nation Brands in 2020

In today’s heavily interconnected world, a country’s reputation can have a big impact on its overall economic prosperity.

In fact, a country’s reputation—its brand—is arguably one of its most important assets. A strong nation brand has the power to boost tourism, attract and retain talent, and potentially bring in foreign investment.

This graphic uses data from Brand Finance’s Nation Brands 2020 report, which attempts to quantify the reputations of different countries around the world. We’ll also dive into the top 10 nation brands, and how their brand value has changed over time.

How is Nation Brand Value Quantified?

While the report provides a full explanation of its methodology, here’s a quick summary of how the scoring system works.

First, Brand Finance calculates a country’s Brand Strength Index (BSI) score using three pillars:

  1. Goods & Services Openness to tourism, market size, and trade rules

  2. Society Quality of life, corruption, and cultural image

  3. Investment Talent retention, use of technology, R&D, taxation, and regulation

From there, the BSI score is used to calculate a hypothetical royalty rate, and applied to a country’s GDP. Then, a discount rate is factored in to account for economic risk. Finally, numbers are crunched to provide the “Brand Value” of a country.

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