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Trade Facilitation in Developing Countries: Can Blockchain Prompt a Leap Forward?

New report by GTDW Advisory Council Member UNCTAD on the role of blockchain in ecommerce;

E-commerce is growing rapidly in developing countries, but it poses several challenges to governments. Many are grappling with how to tackle compliance, revenue collection, consumer protection, competition policy, safety and security issues. A new UNCTAD paper finds that blockchain technology can help developing countries facilitate cross-border trade, leap forward in efficiency and keep risks low. Though it’s still an early-stage technology, it holds great promise for improving trade procedures and supply chain management. The paper outlines how developing countries could tap into the blockchain promise.

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Join UNCTAD and leading trade organisations as part of The 19th GTDW China Trade Development Week Forum & Expo June 2020 | 全球贸易发展周-中国论坛 | 2020年6月16日至18日 | 中国上海 - Digitalisation, Standardisation & Interoperability Of Trade Technologies

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