4th GTDW Anti Illicit Trade, Brand & IPR Protection Conference & Exhibition, 16-18 June, Shanghai Pudong | 4th 反非法贸易,品牌和知识产权保护会议 | 全球贸易发展周-中国论坛 | 2020年6月16日至18
Delegate Seats Increase From $1995 to $2295 March 1st - Email globaltrade@kwconfex.com or complete the registration page: http://bit.ly/37mxOOI
In partnership with Quality Brands Protection Committee, China (QBPC) Join brand protection, ipr, customs, police, judiciary & technology come together to discuss critical security aspects of brand protection, market integrity, counterfeiting, product smuggling and diversion, illicit threats and convergence crime & the harnessing of innovative supply chain solutions and transformative technologies to counter today's market threats.
Through our partnership with Quality Brands Protection Committee, China (QBPC) we are extending Limited FREE VIP passes (Closes March 15) to:
- Customs & tax administrations
- IP, Police & Judiciary Authorities
- Corporate Brand Owners
- Heads of IPR& Brand Protection
- Corporate Heads of Customs & Trade Compliance
STATEMENT: We anticipate that travel within China and the Asia region will likely recommence in March. We have already issued a public statement with our partners in China and GTDW Advisory Council to proceed with GTDW China Trade Development Week in June as planned with all speakers, keynotes and partners on the program reconfirmed with the dates 16-18 June 2020, Shanghai Pudong.
www.kwglobaltrade.com | Twitter: @GTDWNews | Linkedin

#gtdwchina #illicitrade #antiillicittrade #fake #illicit #brandprotection #brandowners #shanghai #china #trade #authentication #trackandtrace #taxstamps #tax #customs #police #judiciary #enforcement #technologies #revenue #integrity #trafficking #tobacco #electronics #pharma #fightthefakes #imforreal #FakeMeds #Smuggling #counterfeit #online #ecommerce #smallparcels #Fraud #FreeTradeZones #anticonuterfeiting #falsifiedmedicines #blockchain #collaboration #IllicitTradeForum #Dangerous #integrity